Hidden Amongst Us, They Flourish

In this blog so far, I have often remarked on the great diversity of life that Holland Park hosts. What is even more surprising about that diversity, though, is that it is very easy not to notice it.

Consider, for example, the photo on the right, which I took while cleaning. Try to spot the peacock.

It's strangely difficult, isn't it? But he is there, standing on top of the wall like he owns the place - confident in his majesty and his glory.

He isn't the only one. Many a time have I walked past a tree and only realised as I went past that there had been a squirrel scurrying down its trunk. Many a time have I been searching for litter in the bushes, and surprised a bird who flew into my face and squawked in alarm. The animals are very much there - we just don't see them a lot.

Yet they are thriving, and I think that there is something we can learn from that. By integrating so well into their environment, the creatures and critters of Holland Park are setting a splendid example. In contrast, humanity has not done such a good job of being at one with nature. 

I hope that this pandemic helps us reconsider what we are doing to the wildlife and ecosystems around us, and that we can carry out environmental activities with ever greater vigour once this is all over.


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